Tu gelan-tar a lumasa
Tu gelan-tar a lumasa is one of the neve gila, the new songs. Interestingly, the song is told from the perspective of a woman. In the traditional, slow songs, men are usually abandoned by women. The woman's infidelity is a theme that is often sung about. In Tu gelan-tar a lumasa , on the other hand, the woman is abandoned by her husband, which is a new, individual form of expression.
Ethnomusicologist Ursula Hemetek explains how the song came about:
Stanza 1
Jaj de tu gelan-tar a lumasa, | You have gone into the world |
man muklan tu a brigasa, | and left me behind in sorrow, |
jaj de gindonenca e asvenca | with heavy thoughts and tears |
jaj de taj e maj bare dukhenca, mo hej. | and with great pain. |
Stanza 2
Jaj de, sostar, sostar xoxadan ma? | Why, why did you betray me? |
Misto avra te muklan ma. | You left me for someone else. |
Jaj de me gindij ke bisterdan ma | I believe that you have forgotten me, |
jaj de nagjon phares dukhadan ma, mo hej. | you have hurt me very much. |
Stanza 3
Apal phendas: | Again, she said: |
Av-tar khere, karing khere | Come back home, |
jaj de na laža tu le Romendar | don't be embarrassed in front of the [other] Roma. |
jaj de na teredin le Romenca | Don't worry about what the Roma will say, |
jaj de numaj tje xurde šavenca, mo hej. | Just think of your little children. |
Stanza 4
Jaj de engedelmo e Romendar | I ask the Roma, |
jaj de le njamcickone šavendar: | the Austrian Romani boys for permission: |
Jaj de mang mol, Mišo, e Romenge, | Order wine, Mišo, for the Roma, |
jaj de le patjivale šavenge, mo hej. | for the honorable boys. |
Apal inke jokhar: | And once again: |
Jaj de mang mol Mišo e Romenge, | Order wine, Mišo, for the Roma, |
jaj de le patjivale šavenge, mo hej. | for the honorable boys. |
- Hemetek, Ursula: Comparison of Žo-tar mange žo-tar and Tu gelan tar a lumasa, a slow song and a new song In: Amare gila - Unsere Lieder – Our Songs. Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos u.a., eine Dokumentation der Lovaraliedkultur in Österreich. CD mit Begleitheft. In der Reihe: Tondokumente zur Volksmusik in Österreich Vol.4, März 1994, Neuauflage 1998. PDF
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Music and Minorities Research Center, "Tu gelan-tar a lumasa", Ružake gila, zuletzt besucht am Loading date..., doi.org/10.21939/66hj-an12