Šej kurve

Šej kurve

neues Lied



Šej kurve is about a woman's infidelity and the suffering it causes her partner. He complains that now he must die because of her.

Musical transcription based on the booklet accompanying the CD Amare gila - Unsere Lieder / Our Songs

Šej kurve belongs to the neve gila, the new songs, and is popular among the Lovara. It tells of a woman's infidelity from a man's perspective. The man laments his suffering and reminds her of their children. He feels deathly ill from the pain.

Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and Mišo Nikolić perform Šej kurve at a Lovari party at the Nikolić family home in 1993. The guests sing and snap along, bringing the song to life. The melody is popular and well-known. The recording reflects the exuberant and relaxed atmosphere of the party, where the music is in the foreground.



Stanza 1

Šej kurve, av-tar beš paša mande Unfaithful girl, come and sit beside me,
taj dikh tu i mila tje šavorengi, look, the misery of your children,
ke šeje, me merav feri pala tu, I am dying just because of you,
jaj de čore, me merav feri anda tu. I feel deathly ill only because of you, girl.

Stanza 2

Šej kurve, tu man xoxadan Unfaithful girl, you betrayed me,
taj man dijardan, pala tu merav. you drove me crazy; I'm dying because of you.
Jaj de soste si te me merav? Feri anda la. Oh, why do I have to die? Only because of her!
Jaj de soste si te me merav, kana kamav la. Oh, why do I have to die when I love her so much.

Stanza 3

Oh Devla, dikh i bari mila Oh God, see the great misery
jaj de le šavorengi, jaj de taj v’e romeski. of the children and of the man.
Jaj de šeje, me merav, feri anda tu, Because, girl, I have to die, just because of you,
ke šeje, si te me merav, feri anda tu. because, girl, I must die, only because of you.
Sa tumara patjivake! In your honour!

Manuscript by Mišo Nikolić

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Music and Minorities Research Center, "Šej kurve", Ružake gila, zuletzt besucht am Loading date..., doi.org/10.21939/19tx-es79