

Puter avri, šeje, i zeleno kapuv is a slow song. The recording was made in 1965 by Mozes F. Heinschink.

Musical transcription based on Fern von uns im Traum...Te na dikhas sunende...Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Lovara. Lavarenge paramiči, tertenetura taj gjila.

Puter avri, šeje, i zeleno kapuva is an old song that Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos knew from Hungary. The fact that it is an early song can also be recognized by the mention of foals. The Lovara used to live mainly from horse trade.


Stanza 1

Puter avri, šeje, Girl, open
i zeleno kapuva, the green gate,
muk te tradav ande so that I can also
vi me mure khuren. lead my foals inside.

Stanza 2

Aj de vi me mure khuren I also lead my foals
po zeleno rito, to the green meadow,
te na phenen, šeje, so that they don't say, girls,
ke či sim me šavo. I'm not a real boy.

Stanza 3

Tordjuv avri, čore, Stand, girl,
šorom leniaba, in front of the line,
sikhav ande, šeje, and show, girl,
savo-j tjo piramno. who is your lover.

Stanza 4

Ušti opre, čore, Get up, girl,
na sov aba ketji, don’t sleep so much,
andem tuke, šeje, I’ve brought you, girl,
koloposa love. a hat full of money.

Stanza 5

Aj de vi čerepo kjindem, I bought roof tiles,
vi anjago andem. and I also brought materials.
De muk, Laci, aba, Leave it, Laci,
vi kher ipitindem. I built the house.
Sa tja patjivake, muro phral Mozes! In your honour, my brother Mozes!


In honour of Mozes F. Heinschink's 70th birthday, Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos sings Puter avri, šeje, i zeleno kapuva.

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