

Opre phirdem is a song of praise to the beauty of a girl. Musically, it is characterized by a clear division into two parts, a slow and a fast part. It is a popular song that Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos often sang as a closing song at performances. The recording was made in 1991 during a performance by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and Mišo Nikolić at the Amerlinghaus.

Musical transcription based on Romane gila. Lieder und Tänze der Roma in Österreich.

Opre phirdem is one of the newer Lovari songs and was played by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos especially at the beginning and end of a performance, as it creates a good atmosphere and encourages the audience to clap along.

Ethnomusicologist Ursula Hemetek writes the following about the song:

Ursula Hemetek

“This song of praise to the beauty of a girl clearly shows the difference between a metric-free and a metric-bound interpretation. The entire melodic action is determined by the accompanying guitar.
The song originated from Ruža's memory of a version she had heard from Polish Roma. She changed it and sings it at [many] of her performances as a closing song, as the rhythmically emphasized refrain is particularly appealing to the audience.“


  • Hemetek, Ursula et al. Romane gila. Lieder und Tänze der Roma in Österreich. (Österreichische Dialektautoren, Hrsg.). Wien: Institut für Volkmusikforschung an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, 1992.

Opre phirdem as part of a concert by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and Mišo Nikolić at the Interkulttheater in 1993, with musician friend Mehmet Emir playing percussion and the audience clapping along.

Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos und The Gypsy Family perform Opre phirdem at the Interkulttheater in 2001. One can clearly hear the musical development of the song, which is largely due to the participation of the sons.


(GERMAN ONLY) Ethnomusicologist Ursula Hemetek presents Opre phirdem during a performance by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and Mišo Nikolić at the Interkulttheater in 1993. She emphasizes that the song is particularly suitable as a closing song. She also explains the content of the song and encourages the audience to sing and dance along. Ruža confirms her statements from the stage.



Stanza 1

Opre phirdem me intrego Ijuma I wandered all over the world
taj či rakhlem me kecava šeja. and could not find such a beautiful girl.
Kecava šukara luludja Such a beautiful flower like her
ka na maj but oh aver pe ljuma. will never come to the world again.


Phabol, phabol ilo romnjako, Her Romani heart burns,
ilo šukara šejako. the heart of the beautiful girl.
Te del o Del, ratji t'aves čerhaj God grant that you may be a star in the evening
aj o djes luludji ande bar. and a flower in the garden by day.

Stanza 2

Lake jakha phabon sar e lampa Her eyes burn like a light,
taj lake bal oh sar o somnakaj. and her hair - like gold!
Kana sovel, mezij o kham pekel, When she sleeps, it looks like the sun is shining,
kana roveli ljuma sa merel. when she cries, the whole world dies.


Phabol, phabol ilo romnjako... Her Romani heart burns,

Stanza 3

Sunen, Sunen tumen, Romale, Listen, listen, you Roma,
t'aven laše, te mangaven la sa, be so good and woo the girl,
kodola šukara luludja, this beautiful flower,
ka na maj but oh aver pe ljuma. there won't be another one like her in the world.


Phabol, phabol ilo romnjako... Her Romani heart burns,



Video excerpt from the ORF production Heimat, fremde Heimat (1997) at the Nikolić family home. After a short talk, Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and The Gypsy Family perform Opre phirdem.

Opre phirdem at Amerlinghaus 2011

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