This is a typically old, slow song both in terms of melody and text. The lament of a man who is in prison and asks his wife to bail him out is a common motif. The song also includes specific textual formulas that characterize the old Lovari songs.
Stanza 1
Sa tumara patjivake, Romale! | All in your honour, Roma! |
Jaj de laši ratji, muri gaži | Good evening, my wife. |
o Del tusa, muro gažo. | God be with you, my husband, |
De andem tuke duje khuren, | I brought you two foals, |
duje khuren tista lole. | two foals, chestnut in colour. |
Stanza 2
Jaj de te andan len, muro gažo, | If you brought them, my husband, |
šude pre lo tjo sersamo. | put the harness on them. |
Jaj de šude pre le salivari, | Put a bridle on them |
de de le te xan kukurizo. | and give them corn to eat. |
Stanza 3
Jaj de ande pelem aba, mamo, | I have fallen, mother, |
ando baro vesedelmo. | into the great prison. |
Jaj de bikjin, mamo, kodoj khuren | Mother, sell the foals |
taj le mange fiškarušes. | and get me a lawyer. |
Stanza 4
Jaj de taj le mange fiškarušes, | Get a lawyer for me, |
te na den ma but beršora. | so they don’t give me many years. |
Ke but beršora te dena ma, | For if they give me many years, |
jaj de mamo, mindjar mudarav ma. | I’ll end my life right away, mother. |
Stanza 5
Jaj de žutisar ma, bara Devla, | Help me, great God, |
na muk aba te xasajvav, | don’t let me perish, |
ke terno sim me inke, Devla. | for I am still young, God, |
Jaj de kamav vi me slobodija. | and I too love freedom. |
Stanza 6
Apal phendas: | Then he said: |
Jaj de kamav vi me slobodija, | I also want to be free, |
te šaj žav me karing khere, | so I can go home, |
jaj de te šaj žav me karing khere, | so I can go home, |
jaj de karing mure xurde šave. | to my little children. |
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