

Kukta tele po fojovo or the 'snake song' is one of the few ballads that exist among the Lovara. It is supposedly based on a true story. It is about a woman who is incited by her lover to murder her brother. Kukta tele po fojovo is a very well-known song in the Lovara community.

Musical transcription based on the booklet accompanying the CD Amare gila - Unsere Lieder / Our Songs

Kukta tele po fojovo is a well-known Lovari ballad:

„Formally, the ballads of the Lovara - only a small number have survived - correspond to the loke gjila whose stanzaic sequence is largely fixed, in contrast to the lyrical songs, but which also vary in the details of their content. The ballad about the girl who kills her brother with snake venom for the sake of a womaniser is probably still familiar to most Lovara today […]: the snake song, which is largely in dialogue form, is largely the same in content in different versions, but the inevitable punishment of the girl at the end is differently structured in each case. While in the version sung by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos the murderess, abandoned by her instigator, goes mad and wants to die, she runs away and […] finally dies in a version by Slovakian Lovara.“


  • Cech, Petra, Fennesz-Juhasz, Christiane, Halswachs, Dieter W., und Heinschink, Mozes. F. (Hrsg.). Far from us in a dream...Te na dikhas sunende...Fairy tales, stories, and songs of the Lovara. Lavarenge paramiči, tertenetura taj gjila. Klagenfurt: Drava, 2001. S416-417.


(GERMAN ONLY) Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos comments on the recording and singing process of Kukta tele po fojovo and notes that not everyone can sing this song.


Stanza 1

Kutka tele po fojovo Down by the stream
thovel terni šej e gada hej. a young Romni was washing clothes.
Gelas late lubihari: A young womanizer came up to her:
Les ma phenje vadj hodj niči? Will you take me, sister, or not?

Stanza 2

Či lav tu me, terna Roma, I won't take you, young Romani boy,
ke si ma jek phral, mudarel ma hej, I have a brother who would kill me for it,
mudarel ma j'aba, phrali, kill me
vadj hodį mindjar puške del ma. or shoot me immediately.

Stanza 3

Apal phendas: Then he said:
Šaj žutis tu pa tjo bajo, You can solve your problem:
ža j’ando veš xutjil sapes hej, Go to the woods and catch a snake,
ža j’ando veš xutjil sapes hej, catch a poisonous snake
taj kjirav les tje phraleske! and cook it for your brother.

Stanza 4

Laši ratji te del o Del! God grant you a good evening,
So kjiradan terne Romni, hej? what have you cooked, young woman?
So kjiradan terne Romni? What have you cooked, young woman?
Ke vadno saga maladas ma! Such a wild smell came to me.

Stanza 5

Trine mašen me xutjildem, I’ve caught three fish
do pujonca kjiradem le hej. and cooked them with two chickens.
Eta kutka, xa te kames, There they are, eat, if you want,
te na pale muk les kote! if not, don't.

Stanza 6

Kana j‘angluni roj xalas When he had eaten the first spoon
leski jekh šam šargolindas hej, one of his cheeks turned pale,
kana dujto roj zumadas: when he tasted the second spoon:
An-ta phenje muro šerand! Bring me my pillow!

Stanza 7

Taj či das voj aba šerand: But she did not give him a pillow.
Eta, phrali, e bučuma hej, There you have, my brother, the chopping block,
eta, phrali, e bučuma there you have, brother, the chopping block,
ke či trajis duj percura. because you'll only live for two minutes anyway!

Stanza 8

Laši ratji te del o Del! God grant you a good evening!
So kames tu, terna Roma hej, What do you want, my young Romani boy,
so kames tu, terna Roma? what do you want, my young Romani boy?
Ke telje šitindem tji vorba! I have fulfilled your wish.

Stanza 9

Telje šitindem tji vorba I have fulfilled your wish,
mulo pašjol ande soba hej, he lies dead in the room,
ke mulo pašjol ande soba, he lies dead in the room.
či trajindas duj percura. He only lived for two more minutes.

Stanza 10

Apal phendas lake: Then he said to her:
Či lav tu me, terne šeje, I won't take you, young girl,
ke aj kam vi ma murdaresa hej, because you will kill me,
aj kam vi man murdaresa you will kill me
sar tje čače gugle phrales ! like your own brother!

Stanza 11

Apal dijajlas i šej: The girl went crazy:
Ušti opre, mule dale, Get up, my dead mother,
taj inger ma pala tute hej, take me to you,
taj inger ma pala tute, take me to you,
ke čače phrales me mudardem. because I killed my own brother!
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