Korkoro kamav te avav
- Genre
- neues Lied
- Thema
- Lied über zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen (Liebe und Gesellschaft)
- doi.org/10.21939/ttf8-0s98
This recording of Korkoro kamav te avav was made during a joint concert by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos, The Gypsy Family and the ensemble centred around Pera Petrović. The singer Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos starts singing, accompanied on guitar by her husband Mišo Nikolić. Pera Petrović enters the stage later, which is evident by the ensuing applause. He plays the violin and occasionally joins in singing.
Korkoro kamav te avav zählt zu den neve gila. Der Text stammt von Mišo Nikolić, die Melodie ist aus der Inspiration des Paares durch ihnen bekannte Melodien und der eigenen Kreativität entstanden. Offensichtlich ist die Melodie auch für den Musiker Pera Petrović, der aus einer ganz anderen Roma-Musiktradition kommt, attraktiv. Das Motiv des Verlassenwerdens taucht in den neuen Liedern von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos sehr häufig auf.
Stanza 1
Korkoro kamav te avav | I want to be alone |
taj e asvenca te rovav. | and shed many tears. |
Ke kodo so manca kerdan, | For what you did to me, |
nastig me šoha te bristav. | I can never forget. |
Stanza 2
Kodo so kerdan taj gelan, | What you did, you left, |
avra dikhlan, avra kamlan, | you saw another, loved another, |
misto lako barvalimo | because of her wealth |
bisterdan mo mo kamimo. | you forgot my love. |
Stanza 3
Tu žastar late, kaj žo me? | You go to her, where should I go? |
Mure droma si phandade. | My paths are blocked. |
Tu žas po čeri sar čerhaj | You go through the sky like a star, |
taj mange trajo ma naj. | and I have no life left. |
Stanza 4
Apal phendas, Pera: | Then she said, Pera: |
Aver san tu, aver sim me. | You are different and I am different. |
Taj či birindam ketane, | And we couldn’t stay together, |
ke tu kamlan barvalimo, | for you wanted wealth, |
man si feri kamimo. | and I only have love. |
Stanza 5
Aver san tu, aver sim me. | You are another, I am another. |
Taj či birindam ketane, | We couldn’t stay together, |
ke ma nas ma barvalimo, | for I had no wealth, |
feri muro kamimo. | only my love. |
Stanza 6
Apal inke jokar: | And once again: |
Aver san tu, aver sim me. | You are another, I am another. |
Taj či birindam ketane, | We couldn’t stay together, |
ke tu kamlan barvalimo, | for you wanted wealth, |
kade sas sa šinado. | it was all destiny. |
Manuscript by Mišo Nikolić
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Music and Minorities Research Center, "Korkoro kamav te avav", Ružake gila, zuletzt besucht am Loading date..., doi.org/10.21939/ttf8-0s98