

Ando foro me gelem is a love song. Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos includes the name of her granddaughter Shireen in the lyrics and sings it in her honour.

Musical transcription based on the booklet accompanying the CD Amare gila - Unsere Lieder / Our Songs

Ando foro me gelem is one of the neve gila, the new songs. It is a love song about a beautiful girl with long hair. Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos includes the name of her granddaughter in the lyrics. The singer wished that Shireen, who showed musical talent at an early age, would one day carry on with her songs.

This is the new version of Ando foro me gelem written and arranged by Ruža's son Sascha Nikolić. He describes the style of the new song as 'Roma Dancefloor' and combines modern elements from soul-jazz and rap with the traditional song. The recording comes from the CD Ruzsa Shej, released by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and The Gypsy Family.


(GERMAN ONLY) Ursula Hemetek presents Ando foro me gelem on the occasion of a performance by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and Mišo Nikolić at the Interkulttheater in 1993. She reads the translation of the text and declares the song to be a love song.



Stanza 1

Ando foro me gelem, šukar šeja me dikhlem I went into town and saw a beautiful girl
lungone balengira, jaj de mulem, mamo, pala la. with long hair. Mother, I'm dying for her.
Av-tar, Šerin, paša ma, te čumidav tje jakha, Come, Shireen, sit next to me, I kiss your eyes
te čumidav tjiri šam, kaj si Šerin sar o kham. I kiss your cheek. Because Shireen is as beautiful as the sun.


Lalala...  Lalala... [syllables]

Stanza 2

Pe kado than te merav, te na čačimo phenav, At this point, I shall die if I don't tell the truth,
te na čačimo phenav, jaj de pala tu šeje me merav. If I don't tell the truth, I'll die because of you.
Ando suno tut dikhav, tjiro muj sar čumidav. I see you in my dreams and I kiss your mouth in my dreams.
Sa pe juma sas te dav, tusa khetane t’avav. Everything in the world I would give to be with you.


Lalala...  Lalala... [syllables]


Manuscript by Mišo Nikolić


Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos und The Gypsy Family perform Ando foro me gelem im Porgy&Bess on the occasion of the 20th stage anniversary of Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos on 15th December 2011. Christian Vidić animates the audience, Ceija Stojka dances, granddaughter Shireen comes on stage.

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